Here is your kick ass morning routine.

Having a kid rocked my world. Before we had our first, I would get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, wake up around 6 or 6:30, go for a run, shower, eat breakfast and go to work without a care in the world. When I think back, I would actually set my alarm to get up at 7 a.m. on the weekends to go out for a run. I want to go back and in time and tell myself what an idiot I was being.

Then we had our first and all I wanted to do was get a full night’s sleep. For 7 months. It was brutal. There was no morning routine. I slept until he woke up for the day. I showered while he sat in the bathroom. I ate breakfast when he sat in the kitchen. This was all between nursing sessions and getting him ready for day care. When he finally started sleeping through the night, I finally started working out again in the mornings but that was a 3 mile, 25 minute run and that’s it. I actually got faster after having him because I would try to keep my workout so short to get home before he woke up.

After our second, it was more of the same. He got up even earlier so it was just a scramble to squeeze in a workout before he woke up and then it was a free for all.

With our third, I realized I had to make a change. So I adjusted her sleep schedule to match the boys and now she goes to bed right before they do and gets up after they do (because, as a baby, she needs more sleep). More on this later.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius

So, now that I finally have my mornings back, how do I take advantage of that and start my day in a way that sets me up for a good, productive day? Here are a few things I do:

  • Start the day on offense!! This means getting up before the kids. You cannot have a good morning routine if you are getting up at the same time as them. It just isn’t possible. You’ve got to start on your terms, not theirs.
  • Get up before your kids. Yes, I’m saying it again. Figure out approximately what time your kids get up and get up before them. If that means going to bed earlier, put down your damn phone and do it. It will pay off.
  • Did I say get up before your kids? Ok.
  • Now that you are up before your kids, I enjoy working out in the morning. I like getting it done and not worrying about fitting in it in all day. I really enjoy starting my day with a good sweat. I LOVE running outside in the spring, summer and fall as the sun is rising and the birds are chirping. Whether or not you work out, you should get outside as soon as possible in the morning. I honestly cannot think of a better way to start the day. In the winter or cooler days, I love jumping on the Peloton or doing a bootcamp, strength or yoga class on the app.
  • After I workout, I make sure to stretch now for at least 5 minutes. I am not getting younger and I now realize the importance of stretching. If working out in the morning isn’t your thing, you can start the day with a stretch instead.
  • Finally, I try to mediate for at least 5 minutes. I just try to connect with my breath and clear my mind before the day begins. If working out and stretching aren’t your thing, you can start the day with a short meditation instead.
  • After working out, I shower and get ready while the kids are still asleep.
  • Once I am ready, I grab a cup of tea or coffee and head to my home office to spend a few minutes writing in my Three Minute Morning Journal about: why my life is great, how I will move closer to my goals that day, and whose day I will make and how. Starting the day with a bit of gratitude and planning feels awesome. It literally takes 3 minutes. I’ll also take a look at my schedule for the day.
  • On good days, I try to journal for a bit or work on something that requires a short amount of time but a lot of attention like editing a pleading or reading a new case.
  • After that, the boys are probably waking up so I will unload the dishwasher, make their breakfast and mine and get them ready for the day.
  • I wake the baby up around 8 and we are all ready to start our day!

I know that this seems like it will be hard but I promise it does not have to be difficult. Try it. Get up a little earlier and see what you can do. It takes 21 days (or 66 days, depending on what study you listen to) to develop a habit so stay at it.

Keep in mind, this is on a perfect day. There are plenty of days when I don’t get to journal or work because one of the boys is up earlier than usual. There are some mornings when I sleep in because one of the kids was up in the middle of the night. But this it is helpful to know I can go back to my routine once things even out again.

What is your morning routine? What do you do that makes your day productive? I’d love to hear it!